What is Mercurial Musings and why should I subscribe?

Mercurial Musings is where I report on and imagine into the current astrological weather.

It was born in the spring of 2022 when I wrote an email to a group of friends who I’ve been involved with spiritually for the last 15 years. Astrology had never been a part of the conversation for us, but seeing as I’d taken a deep dive into learning it from the ground up in 2020 and there was a magical Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces for the first time since 1856 at the time of our next meeting, I thought that perhaps we could lean into the energy consciously if we were all aware of it.

I’ve discovered that writing about what the planets are up to for an astrologically curious audience helps me synthesize what I’ve learned and tune into the planets as personalities. I draw on history, mythology, literature and personal experience in the natural world to make sense of how the planetary movements reflect life on Earth.

I try to keep it simple enough and approachable enough that everyone can glean something useful or simply enjoy the reading and learn a little bit about astrology.

With a background in languages, literature and writing, along with 15 years studying the human energy field, I currently offer astrological consultations as well as academic support for middle and high school students in French, English, Writing and various other subjects.

I’d love to have you join me!

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Where I write about astrology, the cosmos and our participation in creation for the astrologically curious.